According to researchers, a person’s day is mostly spent in a beta brain wave state. This is a state of awaking awareness, concentration, and logical thinking, which can be exhausting. When meditating, the brain produces alpha brain waves, a state of relaxation and nonarousal, and theta brain waves, a state of dreaming, creativity, and meditation. A regular practice of meditation can improve memory, promote relaxation, increase concentration, increase creativity, and boost energy levels.
Consider your mala a sacred piece of jewelry, that needs to be given respect and taken care of. Likely, you have chosen your mala with your intuition, intending to use it for as long as you can. It makes sense then to care for it from the moment you receive it and throughout your usage.
A mala can be a significant part of your yoga practice and for meditation. But they are becoming more popular now as a conscious choice for jewelry.
“Malas are a string of prayer beads. In the West, a mala is commonly called a rosary. A mala has 108 beads, plus a larger guru bead. A wrist mala has 27, 36, or 54 beads, plus a guru bead. All of these numbers – 108, 54, 36, and 27 – are sacred numbers in numerology, with digits that add up to nine. The mala is an external aid to doing mantra. You recite the mantra as you pass the beads through your fingers. The feeling of the beads moving through your fingers is a wonderful centering device.” – Excerpted from
We are a web-based business that focuses on creating beautiful, inspirational, and spiritual jewelry for men, women, and children. This business was sparked by a mother looking to implement fashionable jewelry with a personalized
The use of crystals can be traced back to many civilizations known to man. It has been known for a long time for its importance in healing, grounding, and other special properties. In our modern times, discoveries and research are directing us back to our ancestors and their knowledge of crystals. Yet, it seems we are only touching the very beginnings of a vast forgotten technology.
Crystals have been used for thousand of years in different forms, specifically in jewelry, and the evidence has been discovered to go as far back as the earliest civilizations.
The early Sumerians made beads of obsidian,…